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הסמים של המילניום החדש
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נושא: הסמים של המילניום החדש 1559 צפיות

בעניין: הסמים של המילניום החדש לפני 11 שנים, 5 חודשים #31652

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תודה על המאמרים. אשמח אם תפרסם עוד
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אבא אוהב העלה אותי לרכבת ההחלמה בכ אדר תשע"ב, היום בו הפנמתי שהתאווה היא חלק ממני, והיא תשאר כזו עד ליומי האחרון, ופניתי לעזרה.
סיפורי האישי

בעניין: הסמים של המילניום החדש לפני 11 שנים, 5 חודשים #31655

כמו שאמרתי,
שיהיה בהצלחה.
הריני מאמין, שביכולתי לשנות את מסלולי החשיבה שנחקקו בתודעתי ברבות השנים, לשנות הרגלים רעים ולשבור את הטבע של עצמי.
אמונה זו נובעת מסיבה אחת פשוטה, אלוקים נתן לכל בני האדם וגם לי כוח לשנות דברים בטבע, ובזכות האמונה החזקה והתקיפה בבורא עולם, כל אדם באשר הוא אדם יכול לשנות דברים בטבע. זאת אמונתי.

בעניין: הסמים של המילניום החדש לפני 11 שנים, 5 חודשים #31700

תודה על פרסום המאמר, המשך לעזור כפי יכולתך!

בעניין: הסמים של המילניום החדש לפני 11 שנים, 5 חודשים #31769

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  • דירוג פלטיניום
  • הודעות: 1012
נתן במתנה
שמואל לוי
תודה לכם ואנחנו ממשיכים
יום 3 -מאמר 3

The triune brain model was proposed by Dr. Paul MacLean in 1950s. It states that humans don't just have one brain, but rather a layer of 3 brains, that have each evolved on top of the other over the course of years: reptilian brain, mammalian brain, and primate brain.

The Reptilian Brain

This brain has developed first. It is responsible for autonomic bodily function such as heartbeat, breathing, and temperature. It is also responsible for most important human needs, such as survival, feeding and mating.

This brain is part of your subconscious mind. It has a set of pre-programed instructions that it will always execute. This brain cannot change or learn from past experiences. It only understands images, and does not understand language.

Some of the traits associated with reptilian brain are: aggression, dominance, obsessiveness, compulsiveness, fear, worship, submission, greed, sex, and seeking a mate.

The Mammalian Brain

This is the type of brain that was developed by most of mammals on top of their Reptilian Brain. It is your Emotional Brain - this is the brain that is responsible for making you feel the way that you do. This brain creates chemical messages that allow you to store information in memory. The more emotionally charged the message is, the stronger effect on the brain it is going to have.

This part of the brain is able to learn from past experiences. It ensures that your feel pleasure from the activities intended for your survival, such as eating and sex. This function helps to ensure that you will continue to repeat the favorable behaviours. Emotional brain is also able to learn to associate pain with activities that may threaten your existence, such as getting burned or getting hit by a car.

We like to think that we make most of our decision based on what we think is right. In actuality, however, we make most of our decisions, on what we feel is right. And this "feeling" is a response that we get from our emotional brain.

The Primate Brain

This is the thinking brain. It controls such things as thinking, language, and creative thinking. This brain is responsible for telling us who we think we are.

Unfortunately, this brain does not have a priority over it's two predecessors. For example, in an emergency situation, your brain can cause you to automatically react in a certain way, without you ever having to think about it. This function is crucial to our survival, but it can also present some real problems if our subconscious mind decides to take over, as it often does, in non-emergency situations.

Tomorrow we are going to take a closer look at some of the possible triggers (external events) that can cause our reptilian and emotional brains to take over.

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